Pope McGlamry was also proud to participate at Moving Day Atlanta to educate our community about the harmful effects of Paraquat. Paraquat dichloride is a highly toxic chemical substance that has been used heavily in commercial farming in the United States since the 1960s.
Paraquat is registered as a Restricted Use Pesticide, which means it may only be used by a trained and certified individual. Since it is restricted, most people that come across the herbicide work in the agricultural industry. You cannot buy Paraquat-containing products for residential use. However, in 2016 Paraquat was used on over 15 million acres of land in the United States. The most common brand name of Paraquat in the U.S. is Gramoxone, but there are numerous other brand names that contain this herbicide.
Some of those brands include:
• Para-SHOT
• Parazone
• Gramoxone
Research shows that Paraquat use/exposure greatly increases the risk of a person developing Parkinson’s Disease. Studies have shown that Paraquat increases the chances for developing Parkinson’s anywhere between 200% to 600%.
Some symptoms of Parkinson’s can include:
• Tremors or shaking in specific areas, like arms or hands
• Fatigue, dizziness, or fainting
• Difficulty standing up straight
• Changes in speech and writing
If you or a family member were exposed to Paraquat after working with it or being exposed to it and subsequently were diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, you may have a legal claim against the manufacturers of Paraquat. Please contact one of our experienced attorneys for a free case evaluation to learn if you or a loved one may have a claim.